Manufacturer of GRC Pilasters

GRC Pilasters Manufacturer in Kochi

GRC Pilasters


GRC Pilasters Manufacturer in Kochi, Kerala

Pilasters will help to transform not only decorate any room but also become an indispensable complement of your home's facade. They are flat vertical protuberance of rectangular or semicircular form. Pilasters may be more complex form, in accordance with the design of the room. Pilasters resemble the column and having the same structure. They consist of a base, body and capitals.
Most often pilasters operate the decorative function but also can serve as a structural element. Pilasters can be used to separate spaces for the individual functional zones. Thus it is possible to separate the living room and lounge, kitchen and dining room. By means of pilasters can visually make the wall less if it is too broad.
GRC Chennai offers a wide range of diverse style pilasters. Also we can produce customized pilasters. They can be made of materials such as gypsum and GRC. These materials are very durable so pilasters will delight you for years to come. We help to make your dreams come into reality, fabricate and install pilasters in the shortest time and at an affordable price.

GRC Pilasters KeyPoints :

  • Easy to operate, saving time and effort, without dismantling steel
  • Light, Low cost, easy to install
  • Used to separate spaces for the individual functional zones.
  • Pilasters can visually make the wall less if it is too broad.
  • Low cost, high return, the device is simple, quick operation and  reliable quality



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